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The phrase, “right things, right timing.” is a favorite of mine because it helps me release my tendency to control. I say it to myself all the time when things don’t go the way I want them to or aren’t happening on the timeline I’d prefer.

This phrase isn’t just a platitude to soothe disappointments–it’s true. I can’t think of a time in my life when something didn’t go the way I wanted, but I realized later that what I’d wanted wasn’t the best thing after all.

If you release your need to control, the right things always show up at the right time.

I was recently reminded of this when I had an inordinate amount of trouble scheduling a new client. First I couldn’t get in touch with her to schedule her session, which is really unusual because typically when someone purchases a session they’re eager to talk to me ASAP. But my emails went unanswered. It made me uncomfortable because I don’t like it when people have to wait more than a few days after purchasing to have their sessions.

But what could I do? When I felt the frustration and annoyance rise up inside me, I recognized that I was trying to control something I had no business controlling. I released my expectations and asked the universe to work things out in everyone’s best interest, while reminding myself, “right things, right timing.”

When I finally heard from her weeks later, we went back and forth trying to find a time that would work, which is also super unusual. 99% of the time when I offer a time to a client it works perfectly for their schedule (thank you Universe!) and we’re good to go. In this case I ended up offering SEVEN different times before we found one that would work–several weeks out.

On the day of her session, I woke up thinking about how I was finally going to talk to her, but I had a funny feeling about it. I chalked it up to energetic residue from all the scheduling difficulties and went about my day.

When it came time for her session, I tuned in, did my prep, and called her…and there was no answer. I continued to call her repeatedly for 15 minutes, and sent an email too in case I had her phone number wrong. No dice. Finally I gave up and left her a message that we’d have to reschedule.

Later that day she emailed me and said she’d gotten the time confused because of our time zone difference. She even noted that she saw my time zone specification when we scheduled but for some reason didn’t pay attention to it, even though she’s usually very detail-oriented. So we rescheduled for the next day.

And we finally connected! I called her for her session, she answered, and we spent 45 glorious minutes on the phone getting her all sorted out. It was a really intense, powerful session and she eagerly received all of the guidance that came through.

During the session I asked her guides why it had been so hard to schedule her session–she’d purchased it over a month earlier!– and they told me that she wasn’t ready to hear the guidance until that very moment. The session had to be delayed until she was ready, so they delayed it.

They told me that she purchased the session because of an inkling that she needed help, but that she needed to get to a certain level of frustration with her situation in order to be open to the guidance that they had for her. When I asked her if that resonated with her, she said, “Yes, 100%, completely! So much has happened in the last month, and even this week, that has changed my perspective.”

If we’d done her session when she’d purchased it, the guidance would have been too challenging and she would’ve rejected it. It would’ve been a bad experience for both of us. But because she was ready, she was able to hear, understand, and accept the guidance. As we wrapped up our call she she said she felt more peace and clarity, and that she was ready to take the actions recommended to her.

This experience reminded me, again, that when we release our attachment to outcomes and let things come to us as (and when!) they wish, we get exactly what we need.

I hung up the phone after that session and looked around at all the things in my life that I’ve been trying to control (especially those things that I like to pretend I’m not trying to control!), and consciously took a step back. I may have to remind myself to take that step back every day, but that’s okay. Releasing our attachment to outcomes is a practice, and we don’t have to be perfect. We just have to try our best to be consistent.

What are you trying to force that you could take a step back from? Where can you create space in your life to receive what you need?

I’d love to help you figure out how to release control and step into the flow of life. One session with me will catapult you miles ahead on your path to peace, happiness, success, and freedom. Learn more about working with me →