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You’ve been told so many times that you already have what you need to be who you’re here to be (and do what you’re here to do), but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes it feels like, well where is all that magical stuff? Where is my self-love, my discipline, my clarity? If I already have it then why doesn’t it feel like I do?

The reason is that you’re disconnected from your authentic self.

Don’t feel bad, everyone is disconnected to some extent or another. Sometimes you’re super connected sometimes you’re totally disconnected and both are okay. Both are normal natural parts of having a human experience. Most of the time you’re somewhere in between, which is probably how you ended up on this website. One foot in the spiritual realm and one foot in “I need to see it to believe it, thank you very much.”

So if you’re disconnected from your authentic self and having trouble perceiving your gifts, then what? How do you reconnect and realign with your authentic self?

The way you get back to yourself is by creating space through being quiet and through prayer. Make time to be quiet. Make it a priority. Start your day alone and quiet, even if only for a few minutes. And remember that prayer isn’t giving the universe a shopping list of things to provide for you. Prayer is asking the universe to show you who you are and what you need. And then you do your part by staying open and not allowing your expectations to cloud your perception.

If that sounds hard, ask for help. Ask for help in releasing expectations and control, in not being attached to outcomes, and in recognizing the gifts in you and in your experience.

Allow your intuitive wisdom to flow through you and help you see that you do, in fact, already have everything you need.