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How a Professional Intuitive Uses Intuition

By Intuition

Every week I channel intuitive guidance and send it out to my email newsletter subscribers. For several weeks in a row the guidance was all about releasing the things that hold us back, whether physical, mental, emotional, etc.

And for several weeks in a row I’d been avoiding doing the work myself. Even professionals have their issues! I knew I didn’t have to clean out my closet or get rid of unhealthy relationships (already did that, thank you very much). I had to focus on getting rid of limiting beliefs and habits, and frankly, I just didn’t want to deal with it because I knew it was going to be a J-O-B.

But I also knew that if I didn’t do it I was going to continue to feel stuck and frustrated about not making progress towards my goals. So I finally took the time to start identifying and releasing the beliefs and habits that have been preventing me from being who I want to be and doing what I’m here to do.

I want to share my experience with you to help you understand how a professional intuitive uses her intuition, so that you can better understand how to use your own. It may be helpful to read last week’s practical step-by-step guide for using your intuition before you read the rest of this post. (But if you’re just here out of voyeurism then by all means, read on!)

First things first, I set aside time to do this work every morning for about 10 days. Working on the same thing every day this intensively is pretty unusual for me, but intuitively I knew I needed to focus to achieve the results I wanted. The timing was right energetically and more importantly, I finally felt ready to strip away everything that didn’t resonate with who I truly am or who I want to be.

So let’s get into the nitty gritty of what using my intuition to do this type of work looked like for me.

Every morning when I finished my meditation, I stated my intention to release the beliefs and habits that were holding me back and asked the universe and my guides to help me identify and release them.

After I set the intention and asked for help I sat quietly and allowed the guidance to come through. I had my journal open so I could write down everything I received. (You should do this, too, because you never know when you’ll get some seriously life-altering miraculous insight! Also, sometimes the guidance makes no sense or seems irrelevant but then you go back and read it a few days later and have a major lightbulb moment. So, write it all down!)

The first day I wrote a heading at the top of the page that read, “Beliefs & habits I’m ready to let go of.” (Be specific like this, it will help you get clearer guidance!) Under that heading I wrote down all the guidance I received.

After about 10 minutes of transcribing what was coming through I stopped and read through the list. Many of the beliefs and habits I’d written down were painful to acknowledge. Some of them I’d been aware of previously, but not necessarily as things that were holding me back. Some of them were things that–even though I’d experienced their effects–I’d been completely oblivious to. And underlying most of them was fear.

(Embarrassing example: one of the beliefs I wrote down was, “People think what I do is weird.” As soon as I wrote it down I realized it was true and ugh, how embarrassing to be a spiritual teacher and mentor who is afraid that people will think what I do is weird. Aren’t I supposed to be a shining example of living my truth no matter what? And how can I do that when I live with an undercurrent of fear? We’ll get to the answers to these questions, but just know that spiritual growth is often not easy!)

I wrote down things that I’ve struggled with that I had never taken responsibility for, things that I felt like needed to change but that I also felt like I couldn’t change. The way this information came through to me made it 100% clear that I am the creator of those things and that I have total control over whether or not they’re part of my life.

After I wrote everything down and read through it, I asked, “why do I feel this way? Where are these beliefs and habits coming from?” Then I wrote down the answers I received: a combination of some crazy-ass past life stuff AND me creating issues in my present life to distract me from having to really face my fears and live my purpose.

Then I took it one step further and asked how to release these things. The answer I got was that I first had to accept reality and acknowledge the truth of everything I’d written down, and then turn these problems over to the universe. Then I channeled a prayer to help me release the beliefs, habits, and fears.

Every morning I went back and read through the list I initially wrote, asked if there were additions (luckily there were only a couple!), and asked again why I was having those experiences and how I could let them go. Then I read through the prayer, tweaked it if I felt called to, and spent a few minutes holding it in my consciousness so that it could transform me.

Although this work was difficult and unsettling, especially at first, it was also freeing, encouraging, and revelatory. As I stuck with it and did the work every day, I felt lighter, more positive, more motivated, more loved and more compassionate.

A couple days in, I noticed that in the 99% of my life that doesn’t happen in my quiet little sacred space, things were shifting. Since starting this process, I’ve been able to share myself more authentically. I feel less overwhelmed. I’ve been less of an insane perfectionist without having to consciously try to override what I always identified as my perfectionist tendencies (note the ownership there–this has been a big shift for me, because now it’s just me considering various options or ways of doing things and not me trying to force myself to behave in a way that feels “out of character”). Those old habits are falling away.

Consistently doing the necessary inner work has meant big changes in my outer world. It’s all coming together.

You may think it’s easy for me because I’m a professional and I know that when I ask a question I’ll get an answer, and I’m able to trust and interpret the answers I get. Yes, this is true. But I got where I am by consciously deciding to develop my intuition and by practicing asking for and receiving guidance. You can do this, too.

And just so we’re clear, I’m still working on this stuff. In my experience it takes consistent effort over time to make real progress with deep issues like changing your beliefs or long-held habits. The willingness to question everything opens you up to the possibility for a lot of radical changes to happen in your life, but the process of questioning everything is ongoing.

I go through phases when I’m doing a lot of questioning, turning over all the things in my life to see if they fit with who I am, who I want to be, and my goals. And then I go through phases where I’m just living without thinking (or worrying) too much about examining everything because honestly all that deep consideration can be tiring. And in my experience, if you never give yourself a chance to integrate the changes you make you will just feel unsettled and unhappy.

So, make the time to listen to your intuition, be intentional, pay attention to what you receive, and act on it. And give yourself a break when you need it (if you’re listening to your intuition you’ll know when you need it!).

I want to leave you with the last couple sentences of the prayer that I channeled for myself because I think they’ll resonate with many of you as well:

“I am ready to shine my light. I trust that the universe will support me in releasing fear so that I may uplift and empower others. Let’s do the work.”

7 Practical Tips for Using Your Intuition

By Intuition

If you get my email newsletter then you know that I recently started sending out channeled intuitive guidance every week. I ask the universe what guidance the people reading my email need most and write down the reply; then I send out these insights word-for-word. As with much of the guidance I receive for clients in my one-on-one sessions, the guidance I’ve channeled for my subscribers applies to me, too. It’s exactly what I need to hear, whether I want to hear it or not.

Hearing the guidance and acting on it are two completely different things. In order to act on intuitive guidance you need to learn how to use your own intuition. Because even if I’m channeling guidance for you, you still have to figure out how to apply that guidance to your life! And that’s where learning to use your intuition comes in.

I created this step-by-step guide to help you learn how to use your own intuition in a really practical way. This isn’t a short guide—you can skim and get the gist—but if you really want the details of exactly how to use intuitive guidance to improve your life then you’ll want to read the entire article.

1. Hold space for yourself. I posted about this on Instagram recently, but in case you don’t follow me there I’ll repeat it here. It is absolutely essential to take quiet time for yourself every day, ideally first thing in the morning before the demands of life start up. You can’t grow, heal, or make much progress toward anything meaningful if you don’t take the time for it. Carve out that time whenever and however you can. For me it means waking up early, before the rest of my family.

As far as what to do during the time that you hold for your personal and spiritual development, meditation is always the first thing for me. I practice Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes every morning. It doesn’t matter if you do this type of meditation or even have a meditation practice at all, but I highly recommend starting your special time each day with at least a few minutes of silence and deep breathing because it will help you tune in to your own intuition.

Once you’ve meditated or had some time for quiet and breathing, you can jump right into the steps below to start developing your own intuition.

2. Be intentional. When it comes to receiving and using intuitive guidance, the first step is to set your intention. What do you want guidance on? Why? Be specific and purposeful when setting intentions.

You can say your intention out loud or in your head, it doesn’t really matter as long as you hold the intention honestly in your heart and have faith that you will be supported.

Play around with the wording when setting intentions until you get something that feels right. You’ll know if it resonates with you or not, and you can change up your intentions as often as you like. Sometimes I’ll set new intentions multiple times per day based on what I have going on. Other times, I’ll hold the same intention for a week. I recently went several weeks setting the same intention every morning: to be patient and compassionate.

It’s so important to allow your gut feelings to guide you when setting intentions, because those gut feelings are a direct line to your intuition. An intention that jives with your intuition is exponentially more powerful than one that you set just because it makes logical sense or you feel obligated to set it.

3. Ask for help. Asking for help goes hand-in-hand with being intentional. First you define what your aim or purpose is (your intention), then you ask for help from the universe, your guides, God, or [insert whatever works for you here] to support you in that intention. Ask for help with the understanding and trust that help will come. Whenever you feel stuck, confused, afraid, or alone ask for help in overcoming those feelings so that you can make progress toward your intention.

Sometimes I get guidance that I just don’t want to deal with, and when this happens asking for help is absolutely essential. Spiritual and emotional growth is hard and often involves digging up all your crap, facing it, and getting over it. I frequently ask for the strength to deal with my issues in an open and honest way.

And when it comes to receiving help, keep in mind that help is frequently subtle. The universe often treats us like a parent treats a child who’s learning to ride a bike: providing just enough assistance to prevent total calamity but also staying out of the way enough so that we can figure things out on our own as much as possible. Manage your expectations of what help is by understanding that we get what we need, not always what we want.

4. Pay attention. Once you’ve set your intention and asked for help, pay attention to whatever comes through. Guidance will come in several different ways including mental images (clairvoyance), words or phrases that you “hear” in your mind (clairaudience), knowledge that you just know even though you don’t know how you know it (claircongnizance), and feelings in your physical body (clairsentience). There are other ways for intuitive guidance to come through but these are the main ones. If you pay attention you’ll notice that you’re already receiving intuitive guidance through these modalities, but you probably just ignore it or discount it.

Keep in mind that intuition is quiet and our brains are loud. This is why tuning in and receiving intuitive guidance takes conscious effort. Most of us don’t grow up being taught to pay attention to the quiet voice, we’re taught to value logic and reason. So pay close attention to the quiet voice in your head, the filmy images you see in your mind, the inklings of ideas that pass through your consciousness. That’s your intuition and the more you pay attention to it the better you’ll become at noticing it in the first place.

5. Write it down. It is immensely helpful to write down your intentions and requests for help. Of course you can say them out loud or in your head, but something about writing them down really solidifies your commitment to do the work. There is so much energy and power in taking a pen to paper and giving form to something intangible.

Likewise, write down any guidance you receive, even if it doesn’t make sense. If you see images, draw them or write a description. Transcribe words and phrases. Write down the thoughts and ideas that suddenly come to you or the feelings you have around certain topics. This is all your intuition and the more you acknowledge it the stronger it will become.

Write it all down, even if you’re not sure what’s your intuition and what isn’t. You can always go back later and use the quick litmus test of how you feel when you read what you wrote to determine if it came from your intuition, logic, or ego. Feelings of warmth, expansiveness, joy, excitement, and love are associated with intuitive information. Feelings of fear, smallness, coldness, and tightness typically indicate that your logic or ego is involved.

6. Act on it. This is where the rubber meets the road. You’ve taken the time to be quiet, you’ve committed to your intention, asked for help, paid attention to the guidance you’ve received, and now…now you have to do something with that guidance. Maybe you need to find a new job, start online dating, or clean out your closets. Maybe you need to work on releasing your limiting beliefs or replacing bad habits with habits that support your goals. Perhaps you’re to spend time every day quietly contemplating a problem or decision you’re facing. Maybe your inner voice told you to pick up milk on the way home from work.

Whatever it is that you’ve been guided to do, please do it. If it feels small and easy, do it. If it feels like the biggest craziest leap of faith, take the leap. This is where the magic happens. Acting on intuitive guidance will empower you to believe in yourself and your intuition and will open you up to the love and miracles that are already waiting for you. Really.

I know this may sound like unicorns and rainbows forever, but it’s true. Following your inner guidance is the only way to step into the power, confidence, and peace that you’re intended to have. This is doing the work in its purest form, and it’s how you become your authentic self, live your purpose, and create the life you really want. Inspired action is the pathway to everything you’re intended to have in life.

7. Stick with it. Okay so if the magic is in your actions, then the super-amazing-blow-your-mind-life-affirming alchemy is in the consistency of those actions. It’s not like you’re going to wake up one day, follow these steps, and all the mysteries of your soul, the human condition, and the cosmos will be revealed to you. Meaningful progress takes consistent effort, and isn’t easy.

Take time every day to be intentional, ask for help, pay attention, and act on any guidance you receive.