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How to Deal With Upsetting News Events

By April 22nd, 2024Intuition

Terrible things happen all over the world everyday. Most of them we never hear about, but some of them we do. And realizing that the one atrocious thing you’ve heard about is just one thing, and there are so many more atrocious things you’ll never know about, is even more upsetting.

Sometimes when we hear about the sad, horrifying, awful things we may wonder how they’re even possible. Or we may wonder how it’s possible that at our core we really are all beings of love, when some of us perpetrate such terrible acts. Sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense.

When unbelievably awful things happen it often makes us feel hopeless. It’s okay to feel sad and angry, to not understand. Allow yourself to grieve and to feel your feelings, because they’re valid. Our sensitivity, empathy, and vulnerability is what makes us human and allows us to connect with each other.

When terrible things happen, and you feel distraught, use this experience as a reminder to bring as much love and positivity into the world as you can, because it affects everyone around you.

This is how we shift the world towards peace and help reduce violence, anger, sadness–by everyone doing their part. We all come together to make the whole of humanity, and each of us has an effect on the whole. Imagine if everyone was doing their best to be compassionate towards themselves, others, the planet, how different would things be?

So when you are feeling overwhelmed by all the horrible things happening all over the world, and it just makes you want to put your head in your hands and cry, remember that you matter. The love you bring forth will save you, and everyone else.